Publication | Proseterity
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Do we want to

call it a Manifesto

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I love that this defines what 'Proseterity' is as both a word and a mission. Even our writing will follow this concept blending radical empathy with dissent.

Uncomfortable for whom? 

Who is listening to us?

If the listeners are already "allies", what does this truth shift for them?

For it takes courage to even imagine beyond our lived realities.

We have already started doing this in some capacity.

Thinking especially of text as visual—the role of art in reading text and art or the visual as the text itself. The interdependencies and dichotomies.

in the form of


‘Proseterity’ is a fabricated portmanteau with a mission of hope ; hope that is anchored in radical empathy, critical thought, and intersectionality, hope that fuels tomorrow. Proseterity thrives on challenging the status quo, one norm at a time, and speaks of alternative imagined futures. We look for voices of dissent; stories that use the personal “I” to speak to the collective “we”, provoke discussions, transgress normative boundaries, experiment with form and format.


We encourage pieces that are unafraid to pose new ‘what if...?’s, speak uncomfortable truths, subvert different forms of power, extend words of solace and solidarity, and prompt new definitions of our social ecosystem. Speculations in the form of essays, journal entries, poetry, interviews, critical pieces, reviews, photographs and illustrations (visual content should always be accompanied by some form of original prose) that respond to the ongoing theme, are welcome.


To submit your work or pitch an idea please read our Submission Guidelines.


We accept submissions on a rolling basis, as well as in our theme-based Call for Submissions. If you think your piece does not necessarily respond to the current theme but fits with our larger ethos, send it in. We especially encourage women, queer persons, persons with disabilities, people from marginalised groups (caste, race, class, religion, sexuality) to contribute.




Note from the Editor


Aastha D

Cover Issue 1.jpg

John 13: 34 NKJV “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

Introduction, page 3; Music and Faith, Jonathan Arnold.

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