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cover of all religious architecture collage by Joseph Sgambati III of issue two of proseterity the publication founded by aastha. edition curated by Abubakr Ali an architect and writer based out of New York
Editor's Note

by Abubakr Ali

God is a Jet Plane by Alanna Sabine for proseterity a publication, art collage by joseph sgambati
God is a Jet Plane

by Alanna Sabine Wilson Patrick

graphite sketch of lines depicting highs and lows by Asad for proseterity a publication based in New York, US and Mumbai, India
Highs and Low

by Muhammad Asad

Two Satirical Stories by Sonakshi Srivatsava art by Amey Mhatre translated from hindi stories by Harishankar Parsai for proseterity a new literary publication
Two Satirical Stories

by Sonakshi Srivastava

Two Satirical Stories

Translated by Sonakshi Srivastava

Being  Littlestitious superstitious by Noora ashraf art by amey mhatre in watercolour
On Being Littlestitious

by Noora Ashraf

wooden horses by a for shiva pickle mumbai for a Dream of Faith by roy anto talking caste beauty and the surreal for proseterity latest issue curated by abubakr ali new york
A Dream of Faith

by ​Roy

Eighth Day by Arshaly Jose art by artmosphere juhi prasad pen and ink for proseterity a publication
The Eighth Day

by Arshaly Jose

Music Faith Queerness bodies caste race gender Baptize roshan roy art joseph sgambati proseterity a publication
Baptized in Music

by Roshan Roy

Informed Faith

by Omar Faroque

There is nothing more beautiful than negro prayer by sydney rose maubert an architect and writer based out of new york black women liturgy
There's Nothing more Beautiful than Negro Prayer.

by Sydney Rose Maubert

stained glass painting by juhi prasad artmosphere for rice bag theology by esther larisa david for proseterity a literary and art publication currently talking about faith
Rice Bag Theology

by Esther Larisa David

jotiba dhondiba ambedkar buddha by snehashish das for proseterity on faith a publication of art prose thought founded by aastha d art by harshada budhavant
Dhondiba's Challenge

by ​Snehashish Das

Editor's Note

Abubakr Ali

Proseterity Covers_Issue 02_Final_Compressed_1.jpg

John 13: 34 NKJV “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

Introduction, page 3; Music and Faith, Jonathan Arnold.